The other day, my friends were trying to guess how many burgers I draw in a year... I said that I probably drew 15 this past year... they guessed I drew 50-70. In retrospect, I think they were probably right. I probably think of burgers so much that it has slowly become second nature to doodle them by default. Clearly, I'm obsessed. For Christmas this year my mom actually got me a burger-shaped chew toy meant for DOGS... (thanks? Or should I be taking offense? haha).
So anyway, when I was supposed to prepare a Secret Santa present this week, not surprisingly the first thing I thought of drawing was a burger. In my defense, the present wasn't for anyone specific so that's why I decided to give the gift of art + burgers = two things that are very dear to my heart. haha.
The verse on the burger is from the Bible and it's a good reminder for me of all that God has brought me through and all that I've accomplished through trusting in Him. When I rely on His great plan for my future instead of my own strength, I am constantly amazed at all the opportunities that He opens up for me - better than anything I could have ever imagined for myself. That being said, I think there's a misconception that if someone trusts in God, everything is all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everywhere but that's definitely not true. Relying on God is an ongoing learning process and obviously there have been times where I think, "Oh man... everything in my life is sliding into slug slime" (or something equally atrocious). Everyone goes through crummy times in life. But personally speaking, when I am able to reflect on all the blessings I've received I am reminded that God continually provides - from little luxuries like amazing burgers to bigger things like deeply-rooted relationships and moments of inexplicable joy and peace.
I'm sure 2012 was full of ups and downs for everyone but whether you believe in God or not, I encourage you to think back over the events of this past year and reflect on all the blessings you've received. That way, when life smacks you in the face with a bucket of slugs (can you tell that I really dislike slugs?) you've got a batallion of blessings to remind you that you'll be okay.
I'd love if you would comment with a few things that you're thankful for from this past year. It could be a momentous occasion or a little surprise that warmed your heart... like the one I received today! I had just ordered a drink in the Starbucks drive-thru line and I was pulling up to the second window, ready to pay. The cashier opened the little glass window and told me that the lady in front of me had already paid for my order and wanted to wish me a Happy New Year. That really made my day to receive such a simple, kind gesture from a complete stranger so I continued the chain and paid for the person in the car behind me... and hopefully it kept on going (until of course someone orders $100 worth of Starbucks... hahahaha). But really, I have to say that whoever started the chain of paying for a stranger's coffee is just awesome and deserves a burger and an awkward slow clap that turns into a standing ovation.
Anyway, let me know in the comments below... what blessings have you received this year?